Tuesday, September 27, 2016

220 Pages of Non Threatningly Whispering For White Folks

Their [White Liberals] knowledge revealed in fact that they can deal with the Negro as a symbol or victim but had no sense of him as a man. –James Baldwin , The Fire Next Time


The White Christian’s knowledge of racism and how they see themselves connected to it reveals in fact they can deal with the legacy of Jesus as a symbol or a mythological victim of the persecution of his day but have no sense of how to integrate the essence of his character into the stark realities of his humanity. Which is to say that White Christians can understand that Jesus was persecuted and crucified, but just can’t seem to accept that they [White Christians] are most closely related ethno/biologically to the Romans that crucified him. They are so unacquainted with the racial ethnic realities of Jesus that they even depict him as a Blond long straight haired, blue eyed, pale skinned White man on their adorned crosses in their lily white churches or in their lily White movies.

So I am struggling to get through the Disunity in Christ book. I recognize that it is written by a woman of color, potentially another Black woman. It is clear as I stumble through her pages that we are at a very different stage of nigressence. I would guess that Dr. Cleveland, who consistently glosses over the historical context of how disunity found its way into the Christian Church,  has prioritized the value of multiculturalism and the importance of its translation to a White dominant society over the painful lived experiences of herself and other people of color.

 I found my blood boiling right after reading her juxtaposition of ethnic/racial separation in Chicago to cultural segments of Christianity. She writes about it as if all the Black folk in Chicago wanted to live in Cabrini Green or Bronzeville and all the Polish folk wanted to be sectioned off too. She writes as if slaves werent forced to the colored sections of White churches simply for show or to insure their continued captivity during worship hours of their masters.

I get it, Dr. Cleveland is trying to reach White folk and in order to reach them, you have to pretend like their racism was unintentional or nonstrategic. I see this in a lot of White focused diversity work. No one is allowed to make White folk feel uncomfortable. I have affectionately renamed Cleveland’s book 220 Pages of Non Threatningly Whispering For White Folks

Dr, Cleveland makes me realize that I do not believe in the validity of a warm and fuzzy unified cultural world. Not even within the confines of Christianity. Its not that I don’t believe that the idea is good one. I just do not trust, after all this time, that White folk have the capacity to strip themselves of the racial privilege that finds itself at the cux of the issue of racism. I can’t get down with multiculturalism in Christianity because I don’t think it truly exists. I believe that there are large White churches that some people of color attend or Minority Majority churches that some White Folks attend. I don’t believe that we can truly have multicultural churches because White folks aint ready to deal with (acknowledge and apologize for) how they brought Black folks, Native Americans, Latinx, Asian, and so on and so forth to know Christ. White folks aint ready to be uncomfortable and Black folk aint got the energy or timed required to deal with the aftermath associated with making White folks uncomfortable.

James Baldwin so eloquently wrote:
It is a fact that every American Negro bares a name that originally belonged to the White man whose chattel he was. I am called Baldwin because I was either sold by my African tribe, or kidnapped out of it into the hands of a White Christian named Baldwin who forced me to kneel at the foot of the cross. I am then both visibly and legally the descendant of slaves in a White protestant country. And this is what it means to be an American negro, and this is who he is, a kidnapped pagan who was sold like an animal and treated like one. Who was once defined by the American constitution as 3/5s a man. And who according to the Dred Scott decision, had no rights that a White man was bound to respect. And today a hundred years after his technical emancipation, he remains, with the possible exception of the American Indian, the most despised creature of his country. (The Fire Next Time)

1 comment:

  1. As always, I appreciate your reflection. The renaming of the book (220 Pages of Non Threateningly Whispering For White Folks!) is funny, and as you can imagine, there has been quite a receptive White Christian audience for her approach. And yet, I find it amazing how much resistance, opposition, and hateful comments she still receives because of her work. Would you agree that multiple voices are needed in different tones to meet people where they are? I have long assumed that people were repulsed by the work of Ta-Nehisi Coates will respond positively with Christena Cleveland, and those who resonate with Coates will find Cleveland's work to be catering too much to fragility. And we didn't even talk about the role of White authors like Tim Wise (love him? hate him?) or DiAngelo and the impact they might have on their own white majority culture, versus someone like (fill-in-the-blank-if-you-know-any-prominent-names) White Christian author who have been talking about diversity. Thanks again!
