Monday, September 26, 2016

For White Folk, Blaming Patriotism When the Term Racist Works Just Fine...

To the folks whose friends have been dancing around this issue for the last few weeks. Let me make it plain...

You have an issue with Colin Kaepernick because you have an infection (regardless of rather its big or small) of racism. It's not patriotism, it ain't got nothing to do with the troops. It ain't cause you wish he'd be like MLK (which is also racist because essentially you are saying he isn't being a good negro while providing an image of a good negro... if it wasn't you would suggest other folks like Ghandi or Harvey Milk or Erin Brakovich... but nope you picked the stereotypical Black figure, you just forgot that White folk hated and subsequently killed him too).
You have an issue/hatred for Kaepernick because you need to deal with your racism. It doesn't matter if your 1 or two black friends tells you different. Even people of color can have internalized racism (they can utilize its tools and reinforce the negative beliefs that they have been taught to have about themselves- Jerry Rice/Richard Sherman/Your good Black friend Jamal who agreed with you that one time about "ghettos" and the use of the N-word).
Ain't nobody told you bout yourself though because you, random White friend, and your White Privilege means you can use this weakness of yours for adverse actions toward people of color (specifically the ones you supervise or work alongside). Institutional racism has for a long time affected people's performance reviews, abilities to get jobs, bank loans, promotions, scholarships and etc).
AND TO BE CLEAR... someone telling you about your own proclivity for racisms is not hatred or racisms towards White folks. It's stating the obvious. Like telling you that your fly is down or that your bra strap is showing. Just because you are embarrassed doesn't mean that you aren't in the wrong.
So you got options-
1) Own it and move on. You literally have the privilege of not giving a damn. Unless you do something as stupid as using the NWord in public or calling people monkeys, or saying the unarmed Black folks shoulda been killed on the Internet you probably won't feel your racism anyway. That's another by product of White Privilege. Aren't you lucky.
2) Own it and change it. This is a daily process and it will be painful. You have to call yourself out on your racism and work to counterbalance it. That's right... I said WORK to counterbalance it. You can't pray it away. (Read that whole part of the Bible that references faith without actions) The work also means educating yourself and your friends. Don't wait for us to do it... we're a little emotional preoccupied right now with the consistent murdering of our people and violation of our bodies.
Here is a brief syllabus:
Between the World and Me
White Privilege: The Essential Readings
Disunity in Christ
The New Jim Crow
White Like Me
Anything by Dr. DW Sue
Anything by James Baldwin

3) Attack the messenger for making you uncomfortable because you got embarrassed by how accurate they were when they called you on your crap. -A caught cat will holler.

1 comment:

  1. "Like telling you that your fly is down or that your bra strap is showing. Just because you are embarrassed doesn't mean that you aren't in the wrong". Nailed it MoJo.

    For me, my challenge usually in how I convey a message..."excuse me but your fly is down" sounds different from "why don't you pull up your zipper, dumbass". I think I'm starting to learn the difference.
