Saturday, November 12, 2016

I See You

I've always had that this theory that if the world suddenly became more of a dystopia (Hunger Games/Walking Dead) than it already appeared to be, that those in the dominant group would cut all the crap of civility and finally begin to truly live within the abilities granted them by various forms of privilege (I.e. Racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamaphobia, xenophobia... so on so forth). 

Welp- cue the horns... This election, and America basically proved me right. And you know what... it really hurts. 

Now there have been plenty of scholarly folks that back my theory. The Critical Race Theory, for one, makes it very clear that within the context of race, dominant groups only dismantle portions of their dominance, if and only if they are benefit for them. (CRT has many other gems, please research at your leisure)  

I've listened to the standards in Black thought and the architects of my new-age liberation (Davis, Baldwin, West, Alexander, DuBois, even Coates). I've seen the ebb and flow of support for marginalized folks within systems like higher education (programs built for grit and support of 1st gen students the live alongside programs that prioritize quality of housing based on incoming grades, testing and strength of high school). The criminal justice system determines the severity of the drug charge based on what boils down to the race of the individual most likely to use that drug. Governmental agencies devalue minority families by withholding resources to 2 parent households and continuously allowing the myth that the standard welfare mother is named Shakisharita, has 5 kids, a hair weave, and acrylics while the truth is that she typically is single, rural, with children, AND White! 

Even after all of what I've read and what I've seen, Tuesday night was a slow death. Wednesday was a somber funeral. I was hurt. 

Now I don't want to talk about 3rd party voters, the half of the country that stayed home, or the more that 100,000 jack asses that voted for harambe. I want to specifically address the "well meaning" dominant privilege folks, 

(My coworkers, professors, administrators, friends from church, neighbors, lady at the bank, ministers, friends from college, parents of my child's classmates, school teachers...)

who walk along side me and other marginalized folks, smiling and joking and pretending to care about me and ours that snuck off into voting booths, when no one was watching and purposefully cast a vote for a bigot, liar, on and so forth. Not a suspected or alleged bigot, liar, rapist, homophobe, Islamaphobe... but a real live, proven, on tape bigot, liar, rapist, homophobe, Islamaphobe...

Regardless of your "legitimate" reasoning for casting your vote for Ol Boy, your vote, investment in the bigot, moved me and mine (people you pretend to respect and love) closer to that society where my life is at risk because it is less valued than yours. That's it... 

On Tuesday, when you cast your vote for them, you acknowledged that my life, and my ability to live it like you can in your dominance, didn't matter to you. You voted with them and as the clearly stated throughout their campaign, a vote for them was a vote against me. 

And on Wednesday, it began... you've seen the reports... your children have taken this act that you have modeled for them out into the world in force....

It was a day when many unsuspecting marginalized children learned that the world was never meant to be safe for them. They realized that in a dystopia, they (the others) are the prey. They are afraid... as they should be in the context of this world... and that hurts to write... but it's the truth. 

You've seen the reports... and now you my friend are concerned... more so you are embarrassed... as you should be... but what's done is done. 

I now know that all of this "I love all people", "I don't see difference" bull is what you say to preserve the working relationships that you have in mixed company. Besides whether or not you "see color". 

The fact of the matter is... Today... I... See... You...

1 comment:

  1. A slow death. A somber funeral. So many are definitely going through the stages of grief.
