Monday, November 21, 2016

Sometimes You Have to Speak a Word Over Yourself....

*SoapBox Encouragements*

Today it feels like good is out numbered by the forces of evil (racism, sexisms, homophobia, and all the other phobias and isms too)... BUT that is not the truth. Evil just so happens to be screaming louder.

First, we must accept that today and the last few weeks have royally sucked. We have a president elect that is an admitted sexual predator and bigot, a Vice President elect that is a million times more evil, Islamaphobic and homophobic, and an incoming presidential cabinet filled with bigots of all flavors. We got a rise in violent acts of racism and bias. Children have been acting out in hateful ways within schools. Folks are vandalizing churches, and so on and so forth.

Here is a bit of a reality check... though the electoral votes and these crazy folks running amok would have us believe that the majority of our country is bigoted, the popular vote tells a different story... We have not been outnumbered, we have been out-witted.

 If we want to maintain this path toward justice, peace, and inclusivity, we've got to keep speaking up. We have to continue to speak truth in the face of lies. We have to speak for ourselves and not allow base sound bites built on prejudice to define or synopsize our lived experiences. We have to believe and emphasize our value and our presence even when everything these forces do attempt to make us believe otherwise. We must build bridges with our allies. Find the courage to take on political positions. We must build networks of protection for ourselves and for those who do not possess our privileges. We must gain access to the spaces that they are trying to keep us out of. We will organize. We will maintain. We will resist. We will fight. We will protect. uplift. Energize. Empower. Revive ourselves. We will as we always have. We can and we must.

And when the history is written. It will be our names on the side of good. Our names on the side of victory. That within us is greater. Our unity is the culmination of all of their fears.

We indeed are the change we have been waiting for. First we prove this to ourselves and then we take on the hate of our world.


#BlogPost #SpeakOverYourself #ImEncouraged #IAmTheChange #FightingBack #HateWontWin

1 comment:

  1. Indeed. We must continue to speak up and speak truth in order to maintain justice, peace, and inclusivity. When history is written, and when we take our final breath, we will know that we fought for what is just, what is good, and what is merciful. Good words, MoJo. As we fight the good fight, let's also remember to take care of ourselves and take care of one another!
