Monday, November 14, 2016

Sit in it!

PSA...Stop waiting on People of Color and other Marginalized folks to absolve you of the gravity of your Trump vote. We collectively will not do it.

The fact of the matter is that you prioritized your needs above all of the clear and present danger that a vote for that man could have on historically disenfranchised of the country (US). You turned a blind eye to the threats that YOUR candidate consistently made to Black folks, the disabled, Latinx folks, Muslims, LGBTQ+ folks, Women, and all other others AND you voted for him. You may not want to be called racist, xenophobic, homophobic, islamaphobic, ableist, sexist, or bigoted BUT you thought, acted, and VOTED like one last Tuesday...

So Boo, you gone have to sit with that. You are going to have to walk around with that shame and live in your truth. I'm not going to put my needs and safety to the side to help you feel better...

Cause last Tuesday your vote proved that at the core of you, you could give a damn about my LITERAL SAFETY, WELLBEING, or LIVELIHOOD.

P.S. ... You can buy all the safety pins Hobby Lobby (that's a read) got on clearance, me and mine already know that you don't have stamina to ride this thing out with us. You will be "ok" and move on in a couple of days...


We will be left over here readjusting our lives to whatever jacked up ass legislations, regulations, and new disenfranchisements that YOUR president and his cabinet of BAD BIGOTED BITCHES and his House, His Senate, and (Lord Forbid) Supreme Court chose to come up with. If some of us make it out of these 4-8 years of potential warfare that is coming our way, then we can talk about rebuilding, but right now... Gone on somewhere with the bull****

#YesAllTrumpSupporters #EveryLastOneOfYall #NoOneGetsAPass #KeepYourPen #WorkingOnMyOwnSafety #CantBuildBridgesWithFolksHoldingDynamite #ISeeYou #GoneNah
*Blog Post*

1 comment:

  1. yes to all this. also, i see it as a tremendous privilege to acknowledge all that is wrong while still being able to care about the other very important issues. Truth is for the marginalized and dispossessed, these are the very important issues.
